Sunday 1 September 2013


Spring is here! Flowers are blossoming and bees are flying, baby animals are stretching their legs for the first time and love is in the air. How cliche of me, I know. But I just can't contain all of my excitement, Summer is nearly here!

Summer has always been my favourite season, I mean who doesn't love summer! The sun, the beach, tans, and ice creams. AHHHH! Give it to me now.

Winter is now officially over! See you next year Winter blues!
Now I know that it will still be cold, but it can only get warmer! Plus, my birthday's this season! Wooop!

Sorry for all you Northern Hemisphere people out there! But we Southern Hemisphere folks are going to love it.

I thought what not a better way to spend the first day of Spring but on the beach!

Please enjoy and follow, feel free to comment and give me tips on blog writing and photography! x